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Services Management 2th edition



Publisher:Prentice Hall

Authors:Jay Kandampully, Jay A. Kandampully, Australia Pearson, - . Pearson Education, . J. Pearson Education, Mike M Pearson Education, J. Pearson, Mike Pearson Education, J. Pearson Education, David P Pearson Education, - - Pearson Education, - O Pearson Education, - S Pearson Education, Willoughby H Pearson Education, - J. Pearson Education, . Pearson Education, . Edward Pearson Education, . H Pearson Education, . T Pearson Education, . . Pearson Education, - Pearson Education, . Pearson Education, Pearson Pearson Education, . Pearson

Services Management Description

Services Management 2 Edition This book addresses the hospitality industry from a services management perspective, offering the reader a series of management concepts — operations, marketing and human resources — all of which are capable of being effectively incorporated into all hospitality operations. The book’s focus is on the ever-increasing demand of customers for service quality, as well as the other challenges facing hospitality establishments today — including intense competition, globalization, and technological innovation. This book stresses the point that in all services, including hospitality services, the human element (both employees and customers) is absolutely crucial — in selling services, hospitality enterprises are ‘selling’ personal relationships. Hospitality providers of all types will benefit from adopting the management philosophies and practices in this book — ones that have proven so effective in other service sectors.

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