Mike Meyers' CompTIA A+ Guide to Managing and Troubleshooting PCs, Fourth Edition (Exam 220-801)

Product Details
ISBN: 9780071795913Publish Date: 07/31/2012
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media
Number of pages: 1071

Essential Skills for a Successful IT Career
Written by the leading authority on CompTIA A+ certification and training, this instructive, full-color guide will help you pass CompTIA A+ exams 220-801 and 220-802 and become an expert hardware technician. Mike Meyers’ CompTIA A+ Guide to Managing and Troubleshooting PCs, Fourth Edition is completely up-to-date with the new CompTIA A+ standards. Inside, you’ll find helpful on-the-job tips, end-of-chapter practice questions, and hundreds of photographs and illustrations. Answers and solutions to the end-of-chapter sections are only available to instructors and are not printed inside the book.
Learn how to:
- Work with CPUs, RAM, BIOS settings, motherboards, power supplies, and other PC components
- Install, configure, and troubleshoot hard drives
- Manage input devices and removable media
- Install, upgrade, and troubleshoot Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7
- Troubleshoot all common PC problems
- Install video and multimedia cards
- Work with smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices
- Install and configure wired and wireless networks
- Connect to the Internet
- Protect your PC and your network
- Install, configure, and manage printers
- Work with virtualization technologies
- Understand safety and environmental issues
Electronic content features:
- Practice exams for 801 & 802 with hundreds of questions
- One hour+ of free video training from Mike Meyers
- A collection of Mike’s latest favorite shareware and freeware PC tools and utilities
- Adobe Digital Editions free eBook download (subject to Adobe's system requirements)
Each chapter includes:
- Learning objectives
- Photographs and illustrations
- Real-world examples
- Try This! and Cross Check exercises
- Key terms highlighted
- Tech Tips, Notes, and Warnings
- Exam Tips
- End-of-chapter quizzes and lab projects
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